Tovah Martin, renowned author, freelance writer and avid gardener, presented her program to Barrington Garden Club on January 19, 2021, via Zoom. Tovah is an accredited Organic Land Care Professional through NOFA, an honorary member of the Garden Club of America and recipient of their medal for outstanding literary achievement, as well as a member of the Connecticut Horticultural Society.
Tovah describes her program. "No matter whether you are gardening in a close-knit neighborhood or a sprawling estate, you want to garden efficiently, prolifically, sustainable and beautifully. You need to garden smartly and you've got to conserve your resources. This lecture focuses on all the points on your checklist. When you layer a garden, not only do you maximize space, but you can also create hard-working habitats. You can fulfill a balance between what you need and what nature needs. Using my own garden that I call Furthermore as an example, I describe how to create layers in varied habitats including the perennial, berry, and vegetable gardens. The result is visually fulfilling, low maintenance, and mulch-eliminating when plants go wall-to-wall. This lecture shares how that shakes down to serve our needs as well as the needs of pollinators and other creatures. You can expect to hear many innovative ideas beyond the usual solutions." Tovah's lecture, accompanied by pictures of her garden, was a truly outstanding program. The club thanks you!!